Self Confidence is very important in our lives. Confidence is one of the keys to success in our lives.

                                            ↓↓ This is several ways to gain Self Confidence ↓↓

- Self Love 
    The first thing that you have to do is Self Love. If you're not love your self you will never gain Self Confidence. Love yourself till you die. Instead of loving someone you have to love yourself first because you have to know how yourself is. The one who is responsible for loving you is yourself not another person.

- Believe In Yourself
    Believe that you can be a great person and believe that you can do everything even it's hard. Trust yourself for everything. Remind yourself to always think positive even in a difficult situation. Believe that everything will be alright, maybe not now but it would be alright. Be a good friend of yourself.

            I always do this when i have bad days :
       ✧ Talk Positive to Myself, like " I'm a great person", "This is only a bad days not a bad life", "I'm Beautiful", "I can through this". Say something positive can changes your day and dont forget to smile 😊.

- Don't Think About What Other People Say
    Everyone can say anything, they have right to say what they want to say. Don't easily get upset or offended with others people's words.
    If somene said bad things about you, It can be they are jealous with you. Let them say anything about you, You are the one who knows Yourself, make their insults  motivate you to be a better person not to lose your Self Confidence.

                " Other people don't need to like you and you don't have to care about that."

- Be Who You Are 
    Don't ever trying to be someone else to look great, be yourself because life is too short to be someone else. You are not the same as other people, You are special. Don't be shy to show your true self. Everyone has deficiency and advantages in their life.

- Grateful For What You Have
    Be thankful for what God gave to you now, because there is many people who is not lucky like you. I know we want many things in our lives but not all things we can afford. Don't blame yourself for something you can't have in your life. 
    "Whatever is destined for us will be ours. If not, no matter how hard you try it will never be yours"

- Don't Give up 
 It's kinda difficult to gain Self Confidence and also it takes time. Even though it's so hard never stop to keep trying. Believe that Everything will work out in the end.

Well, That's several ways to gain Self Confidence. I hope you can be more confidence after read all of those! Thanks!



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